Empowering Lives Together Through Education and Engagement For a Healhtier Tomorrow in Trinidad & Tobago

Caribbean Lifestyle Diabetes Centre

Self-Management Education for a Healthier Future

About us

We Are Your Partner in Embracing Diabetes Wellness

Step into a world of personalized care and empowerment at Caribbean Lifestyle Diabetes Centre.

Led by Anica Sanoir, a seasoned Registered Nurse and Caribbean Certified Diabetes Educator with a passion for diabetes education, our centre is dedicated to guiding individuals and families towards a healthier lifestyle.

With tailored programs, expert support, and community engagement, we’re here to help you take control of your diabetes journey and thrive.

Our Services

Comprehensive Support Tailored to Your Needs

Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) Classes

Individualized and group educational sessions tailored to your unique needs, empowering you with knowledge and skills for effective diabetes management.

Nutritional Counseling

Tailored guidance from registered dietitians to make healthier dietary choices for diabetes management.

Diabetes Medication

Medication Management

Expert support for optimising diabetes medication regimens and managing medication-related concerns.

Support Group

Support Group Sessions

Safe and supportive environments for individuals to connect, share experiences, and find emotional support.


Interactive sessions covering various diabetes management topics to provide practical skills and support.



Informative talks by healthcare professionals offering insights and updates on diabetes care and research.


Wellness Program

Holistic support for improving overall health and well-being alongside diabetes management.

Prevent T2 Program

Evidence-based program focused on lifestyle changes to prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes.

Education & Resources

Access informative articles, engaging videos, and visually appealing infographics covering a wide range of topics related to diabetes prevention, management, and lifestyle tips.

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Explore our comprehensive collection of downloadable materials, guides, and curated links to external resources for further learning and exploration of diabetes-related topics.

Stay updated with our regularly updated blog featuring insightful articles, latest news, and inspiring success stories related to diabetes care, management, and overall wellness.

Connect With Us

Reach Out for Personalized Support and Guidance